Friday, October 7, 2011

"Ikhlas A.K! " ~

hve u guys read this novel??
what?? not yet??
ok,,now i want u guys go and buy this novel,
and read it,,
Because i say so,,^^

hehe,,i just bought this book last night.
and i finished read it within six hours,,non stop!
haha,,it's such a good book to read by anybody.
even a kid about eight to ten years old also can read this.
full with humor, love, a little bit of english languange can be learn.
and also this book provide the readers with a few ayat quran.
i never read a book like this!

A story about a rich girls.
a daughter of a businessman, or mybe more  correct known as a billioner businessman,
she meet this so-called "ustaz" guy,
who's nme Adam Khalis.
and that's where all the story begins.
how exacactly Adam chnge this girls nme Kaseh Kaisara into muslimah.
a few conflict where there. of course! it's a novel. there must be a climax 
where everything will mess around and the conflict appear..
a good story line. not cliche. and the most important.
i enjoy reading it!

here a few part from the novel which i really like :~ 

"okay, lets straight to the point. Awak nak apa?"
Adam menyoal apabila dua tiga minit berlalu dan Kaseh masih diam membisu.
"" Kaseh nak jd girlfriend Adam,"
" I'm sorry?? Kenapa....Kaseh nak jadi..girlfriend Adam?"
"sebab Kaseh suka Adam"
" Kaseh..Kaseh,,,hidup ni tak boleyh based on saya-suka-awak dan awak-suka-saya dan kita hidup happily ever after. its more than that. Life has its thorns too."


Adam yang sedang elok membaca buku ilmiah, fiqh Al-Harakah terus mengangkat wajah apabila ditegur Kaseh. cepat-cepat dia menundukkan semula pndngannya apabila terpndang pakaian kasih yang nyata sekali tidak cukup kain. Adam beristighfar panjang. Dia mencapai jeket hitamnya lalu menghulurkannya pada Kaseh. "cover yourself, please,"
"Huh?? Kenapa pula?' tnya Kaseh.
"For your own modesty."


orait. i think it's enough until here,,
nnt beli sendiri la yer,,hehe,,

P/s: beli taw! 


  1. da bace buku serasi sehati? yang tu pown best gak....

  2. belum baca,,:) anyway,,thanks for the recommendation,,^^ i'll search for it soon..~


So,,ada apa2 pesanan untk saya? ^^