Monday, October 3, 2011

it's my fate~

•♥• ALLAH •♥•

♥ Tempat bertahan ketika kita hendak menyerah
♥ Tempat berdoa ketika hilang tempat mengadu & ketika semua orang menjauh
♥ Tempat untuk kembali bangkit sekalipun hati kita telah hancur berkali-kali
♥ Tempat untuk tetap mengerti ketika tak ada satupun terlihat memberi erti
♥ Segala sesuatu menjadi mungkin kerana Allah lebih memahami kita melebihi diri kita

Ya Allah,,i cried again tonight,,
but for this time,,i don't even know the reasons is,,
i think.i know why.but then.
i feel like.
"should i cry just because of it?"
its useless!! 
i got nothing to do  with that.
its my destiny.
why must i deny it?
i'm afraid to tell others.because i dont want them to miss understand it.
i just within my self. me and myself.
its my fight. to fight the evil of me. 
i have to get rid of it.not next year, not next week, not tomorrow,
but now.this moment.

Dear Aifa.
Until when u wanna let the 'ego' of u conquer ur self.ur mind.and ur heart?
"life is like a big circle, sometime you go up. but sometimes. u'll go down."
believe in ur self. everything happen for a reason. there's HIKMAH beside what had happen to u today.
just move on ur life and act normal.
but please..
make sure u r better than yesterday,,~

Ya Allah.
u've told us that 
and i believe,,there must be something behind all of this thing.
Ya ALLAH. i'm begging u.please.
let out all of this uncomfortable feeling inside of me.
i wanna go through my life again as usual.
Please..u r the most Powerful,, u hold our heart..
it's all up to u..

"sesungguhnya kedudukan seseorang disisi Allah 
bukanlah dinilai dr pangkat atau darjatnya di bumi ini,,
namun di nilai pd tahap keimanannya trhadap Allah
 dan amal kebaikannya disisi Allah"


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So,,ada apa2 pesanan untk saya? ^^